You might think that only genetics play a role in developing thin lips, but that is not completely accurate. There are other reasons that cause your […]
Blood vessels are tubes that carry blood through the body. Vascular lesions happen when these tubes are damaged or an abnormality occurs in them. They can […]
Loose or saggy skin around the face, neck, arms, and abdomen is a standard change during different periods of life. Unfortunately, this can cause some people […]
Botox is very popular for reducing wrinkles and fine lines. We assure you that application of Botox is generally safe when you visit a licensed professional. […]
Laser hair removal is a modern procedure that applies light energy to remove unwanted hair. During the procedure, the energy is converted to heat, which will […]
Your skin requires adequate moisture to function properly and stay youthful. Hydration is a prominent factor in protecting your skin against damage. It allows your skin […]
Dysport and Botox both reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines and they are both very popular treatments. Botulinum toxin, a protein produced by Clostridium […]
Your skin starts changing as you get older. Lines and wrinkles are the most common aging signs. Not everyone likes to show their age, however. That […]